Brandi P

Florence, AZ 85132, United States

“Don't worry, I know where the commas go.”

Brandi P

Specialist subjects:

Veterinary Medicine

Editing formats:


AAS in Veterinary Technology

Pima Medical Institute


Favorite referencing style

I don't have a favorite, per se, but I am most familiar with CMOS.

Why I became an editor

When I became a stay-at-home mom, I sought out things I could do while also staying home with my kids, but nothing stimulated my mind the way I needed it to. I missed the challenges of my previous job. Eventually, I stumbled across Proofreading Academy, and I knew that it was exactly what I was looking for.

Background and experience

I am certified through Proofreading Academy.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I love the challenge of finding small mistakes in writing. There is something exciting about combing through a document and catching the errors that others have missed. I also love the research aspect that proofreading supplies. I am constantly learning new things and I enjoy looking up obscure grammar rules that I didn't know about.

Brandi P

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Favorite book:

The Sign of Seven Trilogy by Nora Roberts


When I'm not proofreading, I am almost always with my kids! Even if we're just sitting next to each other on the couch watching TV, they have all of my attention when I'm not working.

Editing tips:

It’s good to follow a routine. First, I check for double spaces, then blatant spelling and punctuation errors. Next, I read through the text and focus on the not-so-obvious things.

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