Allison R

South Carolina, United States

“Clarity and consistency are key!”

Allison R

Specialist subjects:

Counseling Creative Writing Fiction Psychology Theology & Religious Studies


BA in Family and Church Education

Columbia International University


Favorite referencing style

MLA is the style I'm most familiar with and used the most in college. I also have experience using APA and am comfortable with that format as well.

Why I became an editor

In college, I was always the friend proofreading everyone's essays and correcting their grammar. My love of reading and writing combined with my technical writing skills led me to this job.

Background and experience

I'm taking online courses at NYU in copyediting, proofreading, and fact-checking and am currently working for a local magazine.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I enjoy helping to perfect a piece of writing to make it the best that it can be.

Allison R

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Favorite book:

Some of my favorite books include "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom, "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, and the Harry Potter series of course!


When I'm not proofreading, I love to run, hang out with friends, and listen to music.

Editing tips:

Always review your paper one final time before submitting it, reading slowly and checking meticulously for any missed errors. Sometimes the simplest mistakes go uncorrected when we are too hasty!

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