Erin D

United States

“Strive for the three Cs: clarity, concision, and consistency.”

Erin D

Specialist subjects:

American Studies Education History Social Sciences TESOL

Editing formats:


BS in Education

University of Vermont


Favorite referencing style

I have the most experience with APA, so that makes it my favorite.

Why I became an editor

In 2017, I had been a middle school history teacher for more than 15 years. I loved it! However, adolescents and a demanding schedule were exhausting. After I resigned, I discovered the world of online ESL instruction. It strengthened my passion for teaching and gave me the balance I needed. Being an ESL teacher constantly reminds me that I truly enjoy thinking about the intricacies of the English language. Proofreading allows me to combine this with my desire to help people achieve their goals.

Background and experience

I was a middle school history teacher for seventeen years. I have been an online ESL teacher for the past four years.

Why I love proofreading and editing

By nature, I am an extremely detail-oriented person. And, of course, I love reading!

Erin D

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Favorite book:

“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.


Baking is my favorite way to relax. If I'm not baking something, I'm likely reading a baking blog, perusing a cookbook, or daydreaming about my next bake. I also enjoy long walks and traveling.

Editing tips:

I am constantly mindful of the purpose and intended audience.

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