
Our expert formatting team will transform your document.

Perfect Formatting Every Time

Our expert formatting team will format your document according to your exact specifications, making your work look as good as it reads. Our formatting service is comprehensive and fully customisable. Commonly chosen formatting options include:

  • Creating a cover page
  • Adding page numbers
  • Inserting section or page breaks
  • Adding headers and footers
  • Generating a dynamic table of contents
  • Inserting dynamic lists of charts, figures, and tables
  • Adding captions to charts, figures, and tables
  • Applying consistent fonts, spacing, and margins
  • Adding columns and borders

Just Need Formatting?

During checkout, you’ll have the chance to add formatting as a part of a proofreading or editing service. However, we’re also happy to fulfil formatting-only requests. So, if you have a document that you just want formatted, contact us and we’ll provide a quote.

Need Ongoing Formatting Support?

If you have a large formatting project, need ongoing formatting support, or have a complicated formatting request that requires further explanation, simply contact us to discuss your needs in more detail.

Trusted by thousands of leading
institutions and businesses

Looking For A
Fantastic Formatter?

If you’d like to discuss your formatting project, please get in touch.