• 2-minute read
  • 7th September 2015

5 Signs You Should Invest in Proofreading

So you’ve finished the first draft of your essay: what now? You could double-check it yourself or ask a friend to do it for you. If you’re feeling particularly devil-may-care you could even rely on Microsoft Word’s automatic spellchecker. Or you could hire a professional.

Many people overlook this last option, but proofreading is an investment in the quality of your work. If any of the following five signs apply to you, get in touch today to see how expert proofreading could enhance your writing.

1. Missing Out on Easy Marks

For every essay you submit a certain percentage of the marks will be awarded for spelling and grammar. This is often around 10% of the overall grade, which can make the difference between failing and passing (or passing and excelling).

Over your degree as a whole you can therefore pick up a lot of easy marks simply by ensuring consistently high standards of spelling and grammar, so proofreading is essential if you don’t want to miss out.

2. Missing Deadlines

University life can be demanding, especially when deadlines loom large on the horizon. Having your work proofread by a professional will save valuable time, freeing you to work on other assignments without making any compromises on quality.

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3. Struggling with Word Limits

Part of our proofreading service involves making sure your writing is concise and free of repetition. If you’re struggling to keep within the word limits set for your essays, having them checked by a professional is a great way of ensuring everything is stated succinctly.

4. A Lack of Clarity

Even if you understand the subject you’re writing about perfectly, it can still be hard to express this in writing. This is especially true when you’ve been working on an essay for a long time. A proofreader will bring fresh eyes to your work, helping you to refine the structure of your essay and the way in which your arguments are articulated.

5. Mistakes in Promotional Material

Beyond the academic realm, proofreading is a great way of maintaining professional standards in your writing. Research has shown that around 59% of people in Britain would not use a business with grammatical or spelling errors on its website or promotional material. So proofreading is essential if you want to impress prospective customers.

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