Carolyn P

Masterton, New Zealand

“Helping to convey information in a clear and professional manner.”

Specialist subjects:

Agriculture & Forestry Veterinary Medicine

Editing formats:



Massey University

Favorite referencing style

APA is my favorite. I’ve had the most training in this referencing style to date.

Why I became an editor

My years spent studying (as well as my observations of day-to-day life) have constantly highlighted the need for effective communication. I have always been in a happy place when reading and writing. Proofreading gives me joy, knowing that I can help others to convey information in a clear and professional manner.

Background and experience

I’ve done proofreading for students in high school and tertiary institutions.

Why I love proofreading and editing

The process of writing may seem painful at times. I love being able to assist others in presenting their work well .

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Favorite book:

Sold for a Farthing by Clare Kipps is my favorite book.


I read for enjoyment, am teaching myself to play the piano accordion, should be practicing more yoga, spend quite a bit of time in my garden, and have the company of many animals.

Editing tips:

Always consider the style of the writing when proofreading.

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