Henry W

PA, United States

“Experience you can trust.”

Henry W

Specialist subjects:

Linguistics Music


Bachelor of Music Education

Western Washington State College


Favorite referencing style

Chicago is my favorite referencing style because it is the most comprehensive.

Why I became an editor

My mother was a stickler for textbook English, and she also loved foreign languages and would teach me words and phrases in Spanish and Japanese. Linguistics was a natural choice for a college minor, and a graduate Bible study drew me to Greek and Hebrew. Linguistics is the discovery of the rules of language (and when those rules are broken). My great privilege as an editor who applies rules to other people's work is to be introduced to new ways of looking at the world.

Background and experience

I have been editing academic papers and articles for peer-reviewed journals by non-native English speakers for 20 years.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I enjoy reading materials in areas of study with which I am not familiar and applying the rules of the trade.

Henry W

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Favorite book:

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell is my favorite book.


My wife and I enjoy entertaining friends and taking long road trips to visit family.

Editing tips:

I use the Scribendi AI Toolbar and the MS Word Editor to go through the file and get a look at the "low-hanging fruit" problems. Some files lend themselves to being read through backwards.

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