Robert S

Newmarket, United Kingdom

“Great writing keeps hold of the reader's attention.”

Robert S

Specialist subjects:

Art History Creative Writing Education English Fiction History International Relations Journalism Mental Health Politics


BA (Hons) in Politics


Favorite referencing style

I'm not that fussy, but I will go for the Open University Harvard style because it's the one I most familiar with.

Why I became an editor

During my childhood, I loved reading comics and instinctively wanted to create my own. I did this for over ten years – taking pride in clear writing, spelling and punctuation. As an adult, my interests broadened to history, politics and journalism, as well as comics and story writing. Reading and writing are beautiful things. I also taught maths for over ten years to adults who struggled or missed out on this at school, and I find this very rewarding, too.

Background and experience

I put together and edited an annual housing report for Colchester Borough Council in 2004. Also, I have supported students, proofreading their essays and helping them to express their ideas so they can pass their courses. As well as teaching maths, I have taught literacy for over ten years and enjoy teaching grammar and punctuation to adults so they can express themselves clearly on paper.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I have met adults who struggle with or don’t enjoy reading or writing. They think of grammar, spelling and punctuation as barriers to learning, but these all play a part in helping people to express themselves clearly and keeping the reader interested. I'm a stickler for detail as well and even get some enjoyment from following referencing rules. After all, it's important to show the reader how much I care.

Robert S

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Favorite book:

About a Boy by Nick Hornby.


I love going for walks in the countryside, playing chess, having a chat and doing a crossword in a civilised pub.

Editing tips:

I see proofreading as being like sculpting. I'll read through the work and make adjustments a number of times. A proofreader keeps doing this and revealing a perfect figure from a block of stone.

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