Amy G

Pleasant View, UT 84414, United States

“I can help make your writing shine!”

Amy G

Specialist subjects:

Education English TESOL


BA in English

Utah State University


Magna Cum Laude

Favorite referencing style

My favorite referencing style is APA.

Why I became an editor

I am an English major with a passion for language. With my background in English and ESL education, as well as experience as a technical writer, I am excited to combine my love of teaching with my passion for good writing. I hope to encourage and inspire others to develop excellent writing skills. I want to help polish written works until they shine!

Background and experience

Online ESL Teacher; Magic Ears; Beijing, China
Online Writing Tutor; Pagoda Academy; Seoul, Korea
Curriculum Developer/Technical Writer; Automation Quest; Salt Lake City, UT
Writing Tutor; Utah State University; Logan, UT

Why I love proofreading and editing

I love reading, but I hate when writing errors create a negative impression of what otherwise could be a wonderful piece of work. I enjoy helping authors refine and perfect their writing so that their intent is communicated effectively and eloquently.

Amy G

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Favorite book:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë


I enjoy cooking and baking, as well as vacationing with my family. I'm also always in the middle of an organization project, such as cleaning out rooms, closets, cabinets, or even my computer!

Editing tips:

After I finish proofreading, I like to read the piece out loud before I return it to the author to make sure it reads clearly.

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